Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
Not only for pregnant or postpartum people!
Our pelvis is our center of being. So it’s important for all of us! Pregnant, postpartum, or neither! The mobility and strength of the muscles inside our pelvic bowl can affect our core, hips, back, bladder, bowels, and sexual function.
Our Process
Assess to find the issue
We’ll do a full hands-on assessment of your mobility, strength and functional movement patterns to find the root cause and make a plan.
Decrease pain. Move better. Learn stuff. Get Strong.
Through hands-on body work, neuromuscular reprogramming and activity specific strength training we’ll get you back on track, plus some.
THRIVE in whatever you want to do!
We’ll practice all you’ve learned in real life situations. We’ll advance your strength, mobility and performance training so you can really own it and feel confident in doing what you want to do. And, we’ll teach you how to prevent that issue from happening again.